Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Three Weeks In

Glad to end another week all safe and sound.  Maybe next week we'll find out what it is like to not fight 8 big trucks blocking my drive, no water, boil advisory and pop-up storms.  Blessed with all the fun and learning we've enjoyed in spite of a few annoyances. Thanks be to God.

Wow, we're already half way through camp and I return my thoughts to my original goal.  I wanted to keep them reading and writing all summer, while having enough fun in between to sooth any reading or writing angst.  My hope was  that some of that would continue at home and perhaps turn around some negative feelings about reading and writing. 
Well, at least while they are here, goal one is met.
By the letters some kiddos are writing and books that are being shared, even more is going on at home!
Each morning they are responsible to run off into the woods, find a letter and come back to write the biggest word they can think of on the board.  Needless to say, this is typically done as speedily as possible to get back to the important job of playing.  Imagine my surprise and delight when this young man came running back out with a second letter.  I laughed, since it was the letter of his name and said, "I know you have a word for that letter."  "Yeah, "he smiled, "jellyfish."  Love it.

A long time ago, years really, I purchased these silks.  They have been everything you can imagine.  At camp, they were a very long veil for our Miss Edie.

That is until they became a very long extension of a little June Bug billowing in the breeze.

 Since Miss Edie has this storytelling gig under control, I stayed on the hill to watch my guys pour this water over their heads into the next cup.
 It really takes some time and attention.
 Then I headed down to check on my Wood Sprites and Fairy Girls.
 They are reading lots of stories about all things fairy and this is certainly reflected in their writing.

The boys switched to creative writing this week.  The words do not come as easily as non-fiction writing, but some are starting to get into it.

Finally, the long awaited return trip to the creek, where tons of fossils, fish and fish eggs were located and properly oooohed and awwwwwed over.   

Till next week, have a good one.  Don't forget to read and write!

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