Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Good Help

I couldn't do this camp without some great help- some help I knew I'd be getting, some a surprise.
Be still my heart.  Jenna was helping camper Lucas make words with his finds. This right here is my favorite yard art.

My grand daughter, Lilli, was supervising the Fairy Girl Games and is a great help to me.

Regan joined us for a few days this summer and has been a blessing.  I love her laugh.

And Miss Madeline. Should we start taking bets if she makes it to week six? What a trooper she's been in this oppressive heat. 

In writing today, we discussed how to use our senses to picture our self in a place , in order to make a good opening.

We've talked a lot about the emerald ash borer and the damage to like a third of my woods.  Mark, from Eager Beaver came today and I asked him if he could talk to the kids about how death by this pest is different from usual tree death.  He did and then said he had something else they might like to see.  I was expecting a brochure with a picture of the emerald ash borer. No.

A baby crow.  He took down a tree and this little guy was the only one who survived it.  I was just impressed with his compassion in toting this bird around and making and feeding it special food.  The kids were enthralled.

And in the back is yet another amazing helper, Miss Jan, who keeps them fed.

Our first little sick one today meant I didn't get a picture of Edie, who is my awesome reader for my little Fairy Girls and Wood Sprites and the chaser of those sometimes wild and crazy littles.  Not pictured today are my daughter Rae, who has been my right hand, and Miss Kate, who shepherds the little Fairy Girls when she can be here.
I can't mention help without giving a nod to my husband Phil who makes all the things tree fort and on and on happen. In addition to staying on top of weeds and grass.  How blessed am I!


  1. Amazing & Blessed Experience, Kimberly! My girls are loving every minute of it!!!
