Sunday, May 27, 2018

What is Creeping Round the Hen House?

Oh my, what in yonder wild wood creeps.  Yesterday, when we out to check on our chickie girls, we found where something had been trying to dig under their coop?

I wonder what it could be?  A nosy bear cub?  A mischievous wood sprite wishing for some downy feathers for a wee feather pillow?

I don't know, but we set up a trap.  If we figure it out, I'll  let you know!
Oh, starting a week from tomorrow, you will be in these pictures. If you click on them, you can see them bigger.
When you come next Monday, we'll be on the lookout for Ole Slew Foot and the Woodland Folk. Of course, we'll be smart and camouflage ourselves.  
What? You don't know Ole Slew Foot?  Let me introduce you.

What? You've never met a Woodland Folk?  Well, Gnomes are one of the wee folk you live in the Woods.
Looking forward to some woods fun.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Summer Camp is Coming

I'm getting so excited about our reading, writing and spelling camp.  Camp is full, so now it is time to finalize the  plans for tons of fun, wrapped up in woods and worms and all kinds of play that I have been turning over in my mind for months.
The numbers worked out for there to be a small group boy/girl 4-5yrs,  which will be our Wood Sprites.  A group of girls that will be our Woodland Fairies.  A group of boys, first and second grade will be our Grizzly Bears and 3rd and up boys our Polar Bears.
Parents, I know you are all over the board about how involved you want to be in this experience and I am A-Okay with that.
If this is just a way to keep them reading and learning three days a week, that's what it will be.
If you were hoping for a bigger connection and bit a more reading, writing or spelling work for the summer, just let me know.
I'd be happy to recommend books, send books, read a book along with your kiddo and catch-up while they are here.
If spelling and writing are important, I would love to be pen pals with your Woodland Fairy or Grizzly Bear.  Just let me know.
I will post pictures and anecdotes throughout each week, so you can see what we are up to.
Each week, each child will have an appropriate poem to work on all week- a poem in their pocket.
With each poem, I'll  pull out a rule to work on.  Anytime they can read the poem, talk about the rule and see if they can find other words that follow the rule will be a bonus for your young reader.
You'll find it all right here.
Welcome to learning through play.

The Wonderful World of Woods, Worms and Words